Study suggests, cheese lowers dementia risks

Cheese lowers dementia risks?

According to recent Japanese studies, cheese lowers dementia or other brain problems like Parkinson’s. According to the research, written in the medical journal, persons who consumed more cheese had a lower risk of dementia.

Data from around 1,600 adults aged 65 and older were analyzed by the researchers, and they discovered that individuals who consumed the most cheese had a 44% reduced risk of dementia than those who consumed the least cheese.

In addition, the research revealed that cheese eaters had a lower risk of other brain diseases like Parkinson’s and stroke there are other recent studies that reveal how brain cells die in Alzheimer’s disease. 


The Nutrient-Rich Nutritional Components

Cheese is a wonderful source of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, and vital fatty acids, according to studies. These nutrients are essential for preserving general health, which includes brain function. While phosphorus is necessary for the synthesis of neurotransmitters, which are substances that allow nerve cells to communicate with one another, calcium is crucial for sustaining healthy nerve cells.

Cheese Lowers Dementia: Fatty Acids’ Function 

Researchers are particularly interested in one important feature of cheese, specifically its fatty acid makeup. Omega-3 fatty acids, for example, have been associated with improved cognitive function and a lower risk of neurodegenerative illnesses.


Properties that Reduce Inflammation

Some scientists think that cheese’s anti-inflammatory characteristics may be a factor in how well it protects the brain. Anything that lessens inflammation may be helpful because inflammation in the brain is linked to cognitive loss.


Brain-Gut Relationship

Another reason why eating cheese lowers dementia is that cheese is good for the gut flora, which has been linked to brain health. A healthy stomach is necessary for the production of neurotransmitters and the regulation of inflammation, both of which are essential for cognitive function.

The study adds to the growing amount of proof that consuming cheese may have several health advantages. Previously, a 2017 study indicated that cheese eaters had a decreased chance of acquiring heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. The study was published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition.



Consider including cheese in your diet if you’re seeking a way to enhance the health of your brain. Calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals that are vital for brain function can be found in cheese in good amounts. Cheese can be high in calories and saturated fat, therefore it’s crucial to consume it in moderation. In addition, eating cheese helps dementia and other brain disorders it is also helpful in other health conditions like gut and eyes health and maintaining normal blood pressure.

You can also check another type of dementia that is prevalent in children here Childhood dementia


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